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Agnitio: control Windows with your voice

Agnitio is a free software program for Microsoft Windows computer systems that adds voice commands to the operating system.

If you compare the voice controlled computers of science fiction franchises such as Star Wars or Star Trek with what is possible today, you will notice that voice control has a long way to go to reach those levels of interaction.

chrlauncher: custom Chromium downloader, updater and launcher

Chrlauncher is a free portable program for Microsoft Windows that lets you download, update, and launch various Chromium versions.

Chromium is the open source part of Google Chrome, and other browsers such as Vivaldi or Opera.

Users who want to try out Chromium run into several issues right from the start. First, when it comes to downloading the latest version of the web browser for their operating system.

A Look at Desktop Environments: KDE 5 Plasma

This time around we will be looking at KDE: powerful, graphically beautiful, and filled with an array of useful software; but the most resource intensive of the major desktop environments.

KDE has always been a weird thing for me, I quite enjoy its almost limitless amount of customizability, the great tools that it comes with, and yet I never seem to stick with it and I have no idea why; I actually couldn’t pinpoint the reason even if I tried, so you can take that as you wish.

Exclusive preview of Startpage’s new image search tools

The privacy focused search engine Startpage will launch new image search related tools soon that improve the user experience significantly.

Startpage, just like Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo, offers a dedicated image search option that users can make use of.

While you can use web searches to find sites with images as well, using the image search engine returns image results right away.

Here is the first mockup screenshot of Firefox 57’s new design

Mozilla plans to make Firefox 57 a milestone release by introducing major changes to the web browser when the version is released.

We talked about those in the past already; most notable probably is the focus on WebExtensions in Firefox 57. Classic add-ons will stop working at that time, as they are no longer supported in the stable version of the web browser.